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Value-Based Care Readiness Assessment
The Value-Based Care (VBC) Readiness Assessment is designed to help dental and health care leadership teams evaluate organizational readiness to transition to a value-based care and payment model in dentistry.

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Assess Your Organizational Readiness Across Five Dimensions
The assessment will evaluate your organization’s readiness to transition to value-based care across five dimensions and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
The results of the assessment will provide a snapshot of your organization’s current state and identify gaps in readiness. After completing the assessment, you will receive a “readiness score” and a learning pathway to education, resources, and tools that support your journey to value-based care.
Who Should Take the Assessment?
We strongly recommend both administrative and clinical leadership complete the survey together to ensure accurate responses in all areas, including care delivery, operations, and finance.
- Federally Qualified Health Centers
- Dental service organizations
- Hospital-based dental programs
- Public health departments
- University dental programs
- Dentists in private practice
- Physicians who provide oral health services
Just Getting Started? Value-Based Care 101
The journey to value-based care begins with an understanding of the topic and how it applies to oral health. These resources, a collection of education, articles, and research reports, will provide you with a strong overview and invitations for deeper learning.
CareQuest Institute Resources
- Introduction to Value-Based Care in Oral Health: Moving from Volume to Value, a self-paced course that discusses the differences between VBC in oral health and the traditional fee-for-service model, and the benefits of VBC for patients, providers, and payors.
- Alternative Payment Models in Dentistry, a report that shares findings from a survey of nearly 3,000 dental providers to understand their awareness and perspective about the future of alternative payment models.
- Value-Based Care: The Federally Qualified Health Center Story, a white paper that analyzes why and how FQHCs are well positioned to lead the transformation into a value-based system.
- Three Domain Framework to Innovating Oral Health Care, a white paper that outlines a primary care-like structure for oral health care delivery, focused on teledentistry, prevention, and integrated care.
Additional Resources
- Defining and Implementing Value-Based Health Care, an article in the journal Academic Medicine provides a framework for implementing value-based health care to achieve better patient outcomes.
- Safety Net Dental Clinic Manual, a manual designed to help safety net dental clinic staff with all aspects of clinic development and ongoing operations.
- The Perils and Payoffs of Alternative Payment Models for Community Health Centers, an article from the Commonwealth Fund that provides examples of FQHCs experiences with alternative payment models and the impact.