Resource Library

We publish white papers, research reports, briefs, articles, posters, infographics, and tools on topics ranging from adult dental benefits to teledentistry. Use the filters below to find resources by type or topic.

Title Topic Type Published
Teledentistry as a Tool for Health Care Transformation Value-Based Care White Paper
Addressing the Oral Health Needs of Hispanics in the U.S. Access to Care, Health Equity White Paper
American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Face a ‘Disproportionate Burden of Oral Disease’ Health Equity White Paper
Veteran Oral Health: Expanding Access and Equity Access to Care, Health Equity White Paper
Three Domain Framework White Paper Executive Summary Teledentistry, Value-Based Care White Paper
A Three Domain Framework to Innovating Oral Health Care Teledentistry, Value-Based Care White Paper
Value-Based Care: The Federally Qualified Health Center Story Value-Based Care White Paper
Fast-Track to Teledentistry: Removing Barriers While Maximizing Overall Health Access to Care, Health Equity, Medical-Dental Integration, Teledentistry White Paper
Expanding Oral Health: Teledentistry Access to Care, Teledentistry White Paper
Interdisciplinary Approaches for Improved Oral Health Access to Care, Health Equity, Medical-Dental Integration White Paper
A Model for Better Health, Better Access, and Better Value: Advantage Dental's Approach Access to Care, Health Equity, Value-Based Care White Paper