Boston Globe: Data points to disparities among Asian Americans, a demographic that often is portrayed as monolithic

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June 6, 2021

"With the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and violence, a spotlight has been put on the Asian American community. . .

Here are some surprising facts I’ve learned this year, courtesy of Boston Indicators, the research arm of the Boston Foundation; the Institute for Asian American Studies at University of Massachusetts-Boston, and CareQuest Institute for Oral Health.

  • At 8.9 percent, the Asian American population is similar in size to the Black population in Greater Boston.
  • The poverty rate among Asian American households in Boston is higher than in Black households and nearly three times higher than in white households. A family of four living on a household income of $26,500 is considered poor by the federal government.
  • During the pandemic, revenue dropped sharply at more Asian American-owned small businesses compared with their white, Black, and Latinx counterparts."

Read the full article: Data points to disparities among Asian Americans, a demographic that often is portrayed as monolithic

Read CareQuest Institute's press release on this topic. 

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